Saturday, July 28, 2012

New Projects, Old Projects

Hello, world! It's been a while since I've posted; I hope nobody's lost interest! I've been preparing for my October wedding, so I've been quite busy with new projects. I'm making several things myself. I'm making my own veil, since I don't like tulle, and nobody seems to sell veils made of anything else. I found some gorgeous chiffon and have spent the day cutting and hemming it. I couldn't find a flower girl dress I liked either, so I'm making one (I'm very excited about this project in particular!) My mother also commissioned me to make her a custom necklace to match her mother of the bride dress, so I'll be working on that soon, and I found this great idea on pinterest for the groomsmen's boutonnieres, so my mother and I will be making those, too. (If anyone knows the original source of the boutonniere picture, please let me know so I can give them credit!) I'll be posting pictures of my projects once they're finished, of course.
I thought I'd add a few pictures of older projects here too, just for fun. I hope you enjoy them!

I drew this when I was 16, and it's always been rather a
favorite of mine.

Another project I did in high school, a little later on.  It was such a fun
way to explore value and texture! My low quality scanner blurred
the bottom left a bit, alas.
I drew this self-portrait during my sophomore year of college. It made
it into my college gallery's juried show, and was a favorite of my
drawing/painting professor. There's some glare on the photo due
to my lazy/paranoid photography; I didn't want
to take it out of the frame.
I did this during my sophomore year too, I think. Using the colored pencil on a
darker paper led to interesting results. 

This is the most recent, done during my senior year. It's illustrating
"The Gift of the Magi", by O. Henry, one of my favorite short stories.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Little Point Sable

I thought I'd post a photo of my most recent painting. This is  is a scene from the west Michigan beach I have visited every summer, ever since I can remember. It's an oil painting, done with palette knives instead of brushes. It measures 24 by 30 inches. This particular piece is not for sale, though I have been commissioned by a few people to paint similar pieces. I'm also looking into making prints of this one, so let me know if you're interested in a piece like this.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Recent Project

This is a set of jewelry I recently completed for a set of bridesmaids (and a flowergirl). The bride wanted all the jewelry to be the same style, but each attendant was wearing a different color. That made things difficult; none of the jewelry she liked came in all the colors she needed! When she asked me, I was happy to take on the project. Each set consisted of a 16" necklace and a pair of earrings. If anyone is interested in commissioning a set of jewelry like this one, please leave me a comment or send me an email.

This is the flower girl's set.
The flower girl's earrings
are smaller.
Here's a better shot of the
bridesmaids' earrings.
They are all exactly alike,
except for color.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Hello, World!

Once upon a time, there was a girl who loved to draw. She started as soon as she could hold a crayon, and never stopped (all her class notes and church bulletins were covered with doodles). Once she got older, she started learning more varied types of art: calligraphy, jewelrymaking, sewing, painting. The girl's little sister liked to say, "Anything she touches becomes a work of art!" This was definitely an exaggeration, but encouraged the girl. Unfortunately, one year, the girl couldn't find a summer job. It was worrisome; she was saving up for her wedding, and for a new apartment, and for all kinds of bills she was going to need to start paying. Quickly, she thought up a solution: art!

Yes, art. I am that girl, and I am going to be offering pieces for sale and taking commissions for all kinds of artwork. I'll be posting some pictures soon, to show what I have to offer. If you have questions, my email address is

P.S. Please leave me a comment about the readability of this font-- I think it looks nice, and I read and write in cursive quite often, but if it's difficult to read, I'd like to know so I can change it. Thanks, readers!