Friday, December 21, 2012

Items for Sale

Hello, readers! I just thought I'd let you know I have a few items for sale. One is a necklace and earrings set, one is a painting. I was going to sell them at a silent auction for charity, but turnout was low and the amount of bids was lower, and they didn't sell. If these are bought, all the proceeds will go to Donate a Smile, a nonprofit organization that provides dental help to the Central African Republic. Please visit their webpage; it's a much needed organization! Here are the items I'm selling. If you have questions or would like to buy them, contact me at

Necklace and Earrings  Set ~ $15

Pie Painting ~ 8 x 10 inches ~ Watercolor and Colored Pencil ~ $20

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Retro Photo

Well, I just spent some time retouching a photo to use in thank you notes for my wedding (so late... fie upon me), and then thought the photo I was working on would look nice if it had a vintage black and white look. I've always liked old photos; they have so much personality. I found a good Photoshop tutorial that helped me out; I've done modern looking black and white photos, and vintage looking sepia ones, but never a 1940's/50's looking black and white. I like the way it turned out quite a bit, so I thought I'd share it with you. Thanks for reading!

Michael and Elizabeth ~ 10/11/12

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Finished Pie

So, I added detail to the pie picture using colored pencil, so here's the final product! I wish I had started it earlier so I could have spent more time on it; It only took me about an hour in total. Still, it's not bad. What do you think, dear readers?
3.1415926, all finished.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Upcoming Projects

Well, I'm finally starting to make art again! Tonight I started a piece that I'll be putting in a silent auction to raise money for the organization Donate A Smile... It's going to be watercolor and colored pencil, and I'm done with the watercolor part!  I've lost my small watercolor brushes, so the detail will be added with colored pencil. The proportions in the photo are a little off... I took it with my webcam, so the picture isn't very good quality. The painting is a bit wider than this photo shows. It needs a lot more detail, but I'm happy with the colors so far.

Once that's done, I'll be working on a picture of the Little Point Sable lighthouse for my Aunt. She paid me way in advance for it so that I could buy my wedding circlet. Hopefully I'll have both done before Christmas so I can write another post soon! Thanks for reading!